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Crypto taxation

Crypto Taxation

Where a person receives a Virtual digital assets (VDA) without consideration and the fair market value of that VDA exceeds INR 50,000 – the entire fair market value of the asset is considered taxable income in the hands of the person who received the VDA. The applicable rate of tax will depend on the income tax bracket within that person ordinarily falls;

Where a person receives a VDA for consideration lower than the fair market value, and the fair market value exceeds the consideration by more than INR 50,000 – the difference between the fair market value and the consideration paid is considered taxable income in the hands of the person who received the VDA. The applicable rate of tax will depend on the income tax bracket within that person ordinarily falls;

Where a person earns income from the transfer of a VDA – the income earned by that person less the cost of acquisition, if any, is subject to tax at the rate of 30%. Additionally, an equalization levy of 2% will be levied on the non-resident owner of the blockchain on which NFTs are traded. we create the detailed planning for calculating the ensuring minimal taxation on your crypto investments in India

We create the detailed planning for calculating the minimal taxation on your VDA in india or abroad.